Hello Wilmette! Your overall oral health depends not only on healthy teeth but also on healthy gums. Proper oral hygiene helps keep both your teeth and gums in good shape. When brushing, hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle aiming the bristle tips at the gumline. The bristles of a soft toothbrush can clean the…
Look Younger By Straightening Your Teeth

Today’s article from Mantis Dentistry & Implant Center in Wilmette IL is for men and women in their golden years who want to enhance their smile by straightening their teeth. There are many advantages to retirement. Waking up whenever you dang well please. Time to devote to your favorite hobbies or humanitarian causes. Traveling. Grandchildren.…
4 Ways To Get Your Teeth In Line

Perhaps getting everything lined up for a breathtaking smile can take a bit of work. Often, teeth can become misaligned, overcrowded, or abscessed. In any one of these cases, restorative and cosmetic options from Mantis Dentistry & Implant Center in Wilmette IL can help! We offer clear braces, which can help you restructure your teeth…
Is Malocclusion Causing Your Headache?

Do you suffer from severe headaches? Have you tried meds, diet adjustments, and chiropractic treatment, to no avail? Mantis Dentistry & Implant Center in Wilmette IL might have the answer. Perhaps the cause is not stress-induced tension, food allergies, spine alignment, or eyestrain. Maybe the culprit is right under your nose! Bite misalignment – or…
Suspect A Bite Problem?

At Mantis Dentistry & Implant Center in Wilmette IL, we know that a common dental problem tends to go undiagnosed for years. This is because people chalk it up to genetics and don’t even realize it’s a problem. The problem we’re talking about is, of course, malocclusion. Literally meaning “bad bite,” it is a term…