Here’s a guide From Mantis Dentistry to repairing chipped teeth. The enamel on the outside of your teeth is the strongest type of tissue in the human body. However, there are still limits to what it can withstand. Chipped teeth typically occur as a result of injury or biting down on hard foods. Regardless of…
What News Users Should Expect When Getting Dental Crowns
Dental crowns can be the solution to your dental issues if you know how to use them. Here is what you can expect from getting dental crowns. Got damaged teeth? Do you suffer from a chipped tooth or one slightly damaged by cavities? Fillings can only get you so far — you might need…
A Beginner’s Guide to Veneers: Everything You Need to Know
If you are looking for products that can help with your dental issues, veneers may be the answer. Here is a guide on everything you need to know about veneers. Are you looking to resolve your dental issues? In that case, veneers might be the solution. In premise, dental veneers are teeth that cover the…
Things to Consider If You Start Having Dental Implant Problems
Problems with your dental implants can arise for a number of reasons. Here, we’ll list some of most common, and guide you through how to respond. In the United States, over 3 million people have dental implants, and every year 500,000 surgeries are performed. Dental implants have gained popularity in the last few years due to the…
Why Dental Implants for Seniors Are Better Than Dentures
Dental implants for seniors are becoming quite popular for good reason. Dental implants have distinct advantages for your smile, including ease and sturdiness. You’ve had to go in and have a few of your teeth pulled recently, leaving an embarrassing gap where they used to be. As you age, this problem becomes more common than…
Eat and Drink Your Way to a Healthy Mouth
Clean up Your Act With These Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums Did you know that you can actually eat your way to a healthier mouth? These foods for healthy teeth and gums will strengthen your teeth and prevent bad breath. Our mouths are swimming with bacteria. Some of the bacteria are harmless, but other…
This Is How Long it Takes for Invisalign Aligners to Straighten Your Teeth
Are you wondering how long do Invisalign clear aligners take to straighten teeth? If yes, you should check out our guide here on the important things to know. How long does the Invisalign system take to straighten teeth? There isn’t an easy answer to this question. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to walk…
How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
Many patients rightfully ask “How long do dental implants last?” but that can be a complex question. Learn about the factors that can affect longevity here. Did you know that dental implants can last up to 25 years? The key is to take proper care of them. Since these prosthetics look and feel like your…
Gum Disease Primer: Understanding Periodontal Disease Stages, Factors, and Related Conditions
In this guide, we’ll cover the factors and related conditions of all periodontal disease stages. Are your gums starting to feel inflamed? Maybe you’re noticing your gums are bloody each time you brush. Learning about the periodontal disease stages can help you determine the cause. 47.2% of adults ages 30 and older have some form of…
Teeth Whitening Cost and What You Can Expect to Pay
What is the teeth whitening cost? Does it matter what procedure I choose? This guide will break down the teeth whitening cost and what you can expect to pay. White teeth are a beauty goal for many people. Whether it is for a confidence boost, wanting to look your best for a big event, or just…