At Mantis Dentistry & Implant Center, we restore smiles for patients with severe tooth loss. What is total mouth reconstruction? Modern restorative dentistry makes total mouth reconstruction a reality! Total mouth reconstruction restores all the teeth with dental implants and/or implant-anchored dentures. What are dental implants? Dental implants are strong, functional, and naturally-looking restorations Dental implants replace…
Implant dentistry
Why Trust Your Smile to Mantis Dentistry & Implant Center?

Hi, I’m Doctor Dino Mantis. Practicing dentistry at Mantis Dentistry & Implant Center is enjoyable and rewarding. I am proud to provide quality dentistry I appreciate the relationships I have formed with my valued patients who trust me to care for their teeth. If you are one of my patients, let me thank you personally…
The Rate of Bone Loss After Extraction Can Be Slowed or Stopped

A serious side effect of losing a tooth by extraction, accident, or disease is the potential for bone loss. This can be minimized, or even avoided outright, with a dental implant from Mantis Dentistry & Implant Center in Wilmette IL. The Alveolar Bone The bone surrounding the teeth is called alveolar bone. Its main job…
Think It’s Not Necessary To Replace Missing Back Teeth?

Sometimes when people lose a back tooth they wonder whether they should bother doing anything about it. After all, the gap doesn’t show when they smile and there are other teeth to do the chewing. Why not leave it be and save some money? Actually, there are several very good reasons to replace a back…
Your Crash Course on Dental Implants

Dental implants might sound like something out of a futuristic book or movie, but at Mantis Dentistry & Implant Center in Wilmette, the future is here. Not everyone has heard about dental implants, so we are using this space to tell you everything – or almost everything, anyway – you ever wanted to know about…
Dental Implants: Lifetime Service

If you’re thinking about replacing one or more missing teeth with a dental implant, you probably have some questions – maybe a lot of them. At Mantis Dentistry & Implant Center in Wilmette we have the answers. One of the most common questions patients have about dental implants is: how long do they last? The…